Saturday, November 24, 2007

A visit to a friend!

Sunday my family and some friends went to visit a family that we have been blessed to come in touch with. We had such fun! We had such wonderful fellowship as well. I'm posting three pics that my mom took. It was a great time! The pics are actually of us finishing an oreo cheescake...what fun we We we're quite messy. Praise the Lord for the Allen family! :)

We smashed em all right!

Gotta like those oreos

Oreo mush all over our fingers :)

Thanks for reading and lookin'

In His love,


Friday, November 23, 2007

My Friends Are Dying!

This is a poem that a wrote a 12:30 at night. I was just thinking about my friends. It's kinda like a prayer. You can tell my what you think about. I'll be happy to listen to any comments:

O Lord my friends are dying, please show me what to do
They’re headed to Hell’s fiery flames instead of turning to You
My heart aches at this thought for I see them almost everyday
Why am I wasting my life, instead of showing them the Way
As I sit and try to fix my clothes and hair for the appraisal of men
My friends are hanging into Hell, dangling to their sin
We say, “I’ll just live my life, yes, that will make them see.”
Yet, we don’t even know if tomorrow their life will flee
I’m scared for them my Savior, I want them to understand their fate
They’ve sinned before You, the Holy One, and now their judgment awaits
I want them to turn to You, so gracious and so kind
You took their sin upon Yourself, yes, You pad their very fine
Every lie to every lustful thought will be judged if they don’t repent
But Jesus took the punishment, that’s the reason He was sent
So turn them from their sins, O Lord, and show them Your wondrous grace
Show them of Your glory and the beauty in Your face
I can’t turn them Lord, for I am just like them
But You showed me of my sinfulness and then turned me straight to Him
Save them, my God, I ask this only for Your name
For You deserve all the glory, all the honor, and the fame
It is only You, O Lord, that can change a heart and turn them straight to You
O Lord my friends are dying, please show me what to do
They’re headed to Hell’s fiery flames instead of turning to You
Thanks for reading!
In Christ,

Monday, November 19, 2007

Just Some Thoughts...

Here is some thoughts that I wrote to a recent friend of mine on myspace. I just thought that you might like to read them. I was talking to her about the Gospel. So, here it is:

As a Christian, I do realize also that God sees me as He would see His Son, righteous. But, that's only because His Son, Jesus Christ, took my punishment on the cross. But, what about those that are lost, who, when they die, will end up in Hell for their sins against God? Does God see them as perfect? My question is, "How could He"? How could God see a lost sinner as perfect. If He did see them as perfect, then wouldn't they go to heaven. But yet, their is only one who is perfect and righteous, and that is God Himself. The only reason I am made right with God is because Christ to the punishment upon Himself.

I'm reminded of a verse in the Bible when it comes to my righteousness. Isaiah 64:6 "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away." Also, Psalm 14:3 "there is none good, no not one".

If God sees those who aren't saved, as perfect, then everyone would go to heaven. The question is, then, why don't everyone go to heaven? I've heard many people say, as I talk to them about the Gospel, "Well, God's a forgiving God, maybe He'll let me go." As they're saying this, they realize that they're not perfect, and that presents a problem; they can't get to heaven. But why can't God just say to sinners, "Well, I know you've lied, stolen, looked with lust, not kept Me first in life, and not honored your father and mother, but you can go to heaven."

Yet, what kind of God would that be. He would be unrighteous. For God to love righteousness He must hate evil. It's in comparision to saying, if you hate lying, then you love truth.

However, even a judge here on earth wouldn't be so unjust. If someone had brutally raped and murdered your sister and the judge said, "I see that you're guilty, but I'm forgiving, so I'm going to let you go". What kind of judge would let a rapist and murderer go? That person is to be brought to justice. But, here on earth, we don't even know what true righteousness is. God's the righteous judge of the universe. (Hebrews 9:27), (Psalm 7:11), (John 16:8), (Hebrews 10:31), (Matthew 12:36)

So then, why do we go to hell? Well, most people say "we sin" or we're sinners". But what did we do? "Sin". What sin? 1 John 3:4 states "Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness." What is lawlessness? It's breaking a law, God's Law, the Ten Commandments. Now, when you say "law" some people say "legalism." But the Ten Commandments show the very nature of God. We know that God is not a liar, He is all truth. We know that God does not steal, He owns everything. Jesus used the Ten Commandments in His ministry and so did Paul, James, and Stephen. (Check these scriptures: Romans 3:19-20, James 2:10, Acts 7:53,Luke 18:18-23, Matthew 15:1-10, Matthew 19:16-23, Mark 10:17-22, etc) But why did He use the Ten Commandments? Romans 3:20 "Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh shall be justified in His sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin." Galations 3:24 says "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith." Paul said that he "would have not known sin except by the law" (Romans 7:7).

The Law doesn't help us; it just leaves us helpless. It doesn't justify us; it just leaves us guilty before the judgment bar of a holy God. The law shows us our sin before a perfect God. The Law doesn't save us it just shows us our desperate need for a Savior. That's why I sent the three scenarios out. To show that, if we don't see the disease (sin), then we don't see the need for a cure (Jesus). And death (hell) is staring right at the lost sinner. If you didn't get to read the scenarios, then go here: Not because God is unjust, but because sin is filthy in His sight. Revelation 21:8 "all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire." 1 Cor 6:9-10 "fornicators, idolators, adulterers, thieves, covetous, will not inherit the kingdom of God." 1 John 3:15 "Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding on him."However, this is what makes the good news so great. Just think about it. God became human flesh and took on all the attributs of a man, except sin. He humbled Himself so low that He died on a cross for the very thing He despised. He despised sin. He who knew no sin, became sin for us. Lost sinners are enemies of God and God's wrath abides on them. Yes, God is wrathful. Ephesians 5:6 says "the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience." John 3:36 "and he who does not believe the Son, shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him." Also see Romans 2:5-6.

So, what happened on that cross, is that Jesus was taking your wrath that you deserve. See Isaiah 53:5-6 and verse 10. Picture it this way; 'say that you stole $1,000,000 and the law caught you. All the evidence was there, and you were guilty. You we're about to get sentenced to prison, when someone you didn't even know came in and paid your fine. You're eternally grateful.' That's what Jesus did 2000 years ago. He stepped in to God's court room and paid your fine with His lifes blood. You were headed to hell where your just punishment awaited, and Jesus Christ paid yor fine.

What a gracious God. He didn't have to pay your fine. It was your sins, not His, that was put upon Christ. Oh, what a wonderful Savior. 2 Peter 3:9 says "The Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance." He calls us to repent, that is to turn away from our sins, and put our trust solely in Him. Acts 17:30-31 "now commands all men everywhere to repent because He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness..."

To end, I'm going to write a chorus to a song that has been stuck in my heart. The words say it all."

Your blood has washed away my sin,
Jesus Thank You!
The Father's wrath completely satisfied,
Jesus thank You!Once Your enemy,
now seated at your table,
Jesus Thank You!"

Thanks for reading! :)
In Christ,

Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Beauty!

Hey all!! WOW, it's been so long since I've been on here. Everything has been so busy lately with building a new house. I just wanted to post a pic that I took of the trees. It's gorgeous. I added a Bible verse to it. I love photography! This one reminds me of what an awesome God we serve!