There is a song by Sovereign Grace Ministries that I enjoy called, This Fathomless Love. It's probably one of my favorite songs, although, that's hard to say with Sovereign Grace music. I recently made a video to this song. It's my 5th video that I have made, and I think it's my favorite. I will post the video and the lyrics to the song. The words are so beautiful!
This Fathomless Love
Lord, what moved Your heart to love lowly man
before any star could herald Your praise?
And why did You come, abasing Yourself,
veiled in a robe of frail human clay?
Why would You the pure give Your life fore the vile,
the innocent seeking the guilty to be reconciled?
I can't comprehend this fathomless love.
I'm gripped and amazed at what You have done.
Why would the adored become the despised
to bear all the furious wrath that was mine?
How awesome this mystery
of Your fathomless love for me.
Why would You adopt and take as Your own
those who had crushed Your one precious Son?
Why mercy and grace towards Your enemies?
Your name they have cursed and Your throne they have shunned.
Oh how could You choose to show kindness to these?
The ones who would mock You and hate You,
the ones just like me?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Glory of the Cross
I finished up yet another video yesterday. It's different than the rest of my video's, but it's still very powerful! Enjoy and praise God for His love for us.
In His marvelous and beautiful love,
In His marvelous and beautiful love,
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Shelter in the Storm
Well, I just finished up another video!! The song is called Shelter in the Storm by Sovereign Grace Ministries. Enjoy and praise God for His wonderous love and mercy!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
My Sweet Sixteen
Hello all my readers! Today is my sweet sixteen! I just wanted to post a poem that I wrote for my birthday today.
My Sweet Sixteen
My life is a vapor soon ready to pass
My days are fleeting just like the withering grass
The Lord has given me another year to celebrate what He has done
Of how He’s given His wondrous grace when I deserved none
This day is very special, but yet just like everyday
God has been longsuffering and kind in every way
I can recall what He showed me to flee
I will always remember what love He has shown to me
That day He took me and showed me my sin
My filthiness and wretchedness He showed to me then
“There is none that does good” I read in God’s Word
But that was something I had not even heard
I thought I was good enough to please a God so holy
But I didn’t know He required every deed that I thought was so lowly
From every lie to every thought was seen before Him
There was nothing before His eyes that was even dim
I’ve broken every commandment and now I see my fate
I was headed to hell where my judgment awaits
But look, it’s the cross where my Savior was bruised
Jesus hung on a cross where He was accused
He was accused by God for my sins and unrighteous deeds
Yet He had not broken God’s Laws nor one of His creeds
He was perfect and holy in every way
But was crushed for my sins and my fine He did pay
The wrath of God that was due to no one but me
Was put on God’s Son for everyone to see
He cried, “It is finished” with His final breath
That cry was a testament to what can happen to me after death
He then rose from the grave victorious on the third day
Christ defeated death and hell and made the Only Way
Next He showed me what I must do to me saved
I must turn from my sins and trust solely in Him, from whom salvation was paved
So repent and trust Him is what I did do
I was then given a new heart and new desires too
Now I’m forgiven and can go to heaven because of what Jesus did
My filthy unrighteous deeds from before Him He rid
I now praise Him and thank Him for His beautiful love
That is why I celebrate another year given from above
Jesus is the only reason I celebrate another day
Oh, how I love Him for paying my penalty and making a way
A question I will leave to end this at last
Where will you spend eternity when your time on earth has passed?
In Christ,
My Sweet Sixteen
My life is a vapor soon ready to pass
My days are fleeting just like the withering grass
The Lord has given me another year to celebrate what He has done
Of how He’s given His wondrous grace when I deserved none
This day is very special, but yet just like everyday
God has been longsuffering and kind in every way
I can recall what He showed me to flee
I will always remember what love He has shown to me
That day He took me and showed me my sin
My filthiness and wretchedness He showed to me then
“There is none that does good” I read in God’s Word
But that was something I had not even heard
I thought I was good enough to please a God so holy
But I didn’t know He required every deed that I thought was so lowly
From every lie to every thought was seen before Him
There was nothing before His eyes that was even dim
I’ve broken every commandment and now I see my fate
I was headed to hell where my judgment awaits
But look, it’s the cross where my Savior was bruised
Jesus hung on a cross where He was accused
He was accused by God for my sins and unrighteous deeds
Yet He had not broken God’s Laws nor one of His creeds
He was perfect and holy in every way
But was crushed for my sins and my fine He did pay
The wrath of God that was due to no one but me
Was put on God’s Son for everyone to see
He cried, “It is finished” with His final breath
That cry was a testament to what can happen to me after death
He then rose from the grave victorious on the third day
Christ defeated death and hell and made the Only Way
Next He showed me what I must do to me saved
I must turn from my sins and trust solely in Him, from whom salvation was paved
So repent and trust Him is what I did do
I was then given a new heart and new desires too
Now I’m forgiven and can go to heaven because of what Jesus did
My filthy unrighteous deeds from before Him He rid
I now praise Him and thank Him for His beautiful love
That is why I celebrate another year given from above
Jesus is the only reason I celebrate another day
Oh, how I love Him for paying my penalty and making a way
A question I will leave to end this at last
Where will you spend eternity when your time on earth has passed?
In Christ,
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I got to see a Harlem Globetrotter!

Hello my fellow blog readers! Well, the title says it all! So, some may be saying "What is a Harlem Globetrotter?" Wait a minute, you don't know what a Harlem Globetrotter is??!!! huuuuh, I'm speechless! 
Good! At least I'm not A Harlem Globetrotter is a basketball player who does all kinds of tricks while he plays basketball. For example, spinning a ball on your finger for a long amount of time.
So anyway, my mom and dad decided, two weeks in advance, that they we're going to surprise us and take us to see a former Harlem Globetrotter. This man had actually became a Christian and goes around sharing the Gospel with people. So on the way up, me, my brothers, and sister were trying to figure out what the surprise was. You know how it is when you don't know where you're going. So, we get there and mom says, "We're going to see a former Harlem Globetrotter, guys!" And my brothers go "Cool! Wow!".
So, my response is like my brothers, right? Wrong! My response is like, "What is a Harlem Globetrotter?" Yep, that's me!
So, my response is like my brothers, right? Wrong! My response is like, "What is a Harlem Globetrotter?" Yep, that's me!
So, anywho, we watched Seth Franco, the former Globetrotter, do the coolest tricks EVAH! It was like so totally awesome! But...that's not the best part! The best part was all the Gospel tracts given out and how it happened.
Before Seth went up to do his tricks and talk, a friend of ours handed him a million dollar bill tract, which you can find at the Way of the Master website (don't worry, I'm not a radio So Seth puts the million in his pocket and walks up to the stage. After awhile, he asks the audience to guess how old he is. He then states that he has CASH to give away for the person who guesses the right answer! Yep, you guessed it, he gives the million to a little boy who guessed the right answer.
That opened the door for the Gospel! Then everyone wanted one of those millions that the Harlem Globetrotter had. We were handing out millions left and right when it was over. AND, not only that, but everyone wanted their million dollar bill SIGNED by Seth Franco. That was sooooooooo awesome! God is absolutely amazing! That means that the millions will be kept and possibly read over and over again! WHAT A GOD!!!! Oh, and I even got a million signed!
Seth, after he did his basketball tricks, told people about Christ. But, as Todd Friel says, it was a total dog's breakfast. He led people in the "sinners prayer". It broke my heart to pieces! BUT, another amazing thing happened! My mom gave him "True and False Conversions", which you can also find at the Way of the Master website
, and he also got a Paul Washer sermon!!!!
So, please pray for Seth, that his message will be changed so that sinners will understand their sin before a holy God. You can find him at his website here:
In Christ,
Before Seth went up to do his tricks and talk, a friend of ours handed him a million dollar bill tract, which you can find at the Way of the Master website (don't worry, I'm not a radio So Seth puts the million in his pocket and walks up to the stage. After awhile, he asks the audience to guess how old he is. He then states that he has CASH to give away for the person who guesses the right answer! Yep, you guessed it, he gives the million to a little boy who guessed the right answer.
That opened the door for the Gospel! Then everyone wanted one of those millions that the Harlem Globetrotter had. We were handing out millions left and right when it was over. AND, not only that, but everyone wanted their million dollar bill SIGNED by Seth Franco. That was sooooooooo awesome! God is absolutely amazing! That means that the millions will be kept and possibly read over and over again! WHAT A GOD!!!! Oh, and I even got a million signed!
Seth, after he did his basketball tricks, told people about Christ. But, as Todd Friel says, it was a total dog's breakfast. He led people in the "sinners prayer". It broke my heart to pieces! BUT, another amazing thing happened! My mom gave him "True and False Conversions", which you can also find at the Way of the Master website
So, please pray for Seth, that his message will be changed so that sinners will understand their sin before a holy God. You can find him at his website here:
In Christ,
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Count the Cost
Charles Haddon Spurgeon-
This quote caught my eye yesterday while reading a book called "Ashamed of the Gospel" by John MacArthur. The book speaks about how the modern churches of today are using new methods to draw in crowds instead of preaching the Gospel. They'd rather have mans approval of things than God's word being preached.
Sometimes we can get caught up in the world. We want the worlds approval of so many things. Do I have the latest fashion? Am I listening to the same music my friend is listening to? "My friend has the latest cell phone, I just HAVE to get it"! ...and so on and so forth...
We are suppose to be different from the world. Isn't that what the Bible says, that we're "foreignors" or "pilgrims", or "strangers" of this world. We are the "called out ones". What is going to happen if those who call them selves Christians begin to act and do things like the world? Who exactly would the world look to?
As I was reading this book by John MacArthur, I began to realize why Christian are to be seperate from the world. No, I'm not saying that you can't have an ipod or a new cell phone. But merely, we can't try to blend into the world. We're suppose to be "lights to those in darkness" -Romans 2:19. How well will our lights shine if we try to "blend" our lights into the darkness. "Oh, is this light too bright for you. I'll dim it alittle so that you will feel better. I don't want you to feel too uncomfortable". That's pretty much the motto of "todays" Christians.
We don't want to offend anyone. Yet, isn't that what the Bible says that the cross will be to some? It says that the cross is "foolishness to those who are perishing". A sinner doesn't exactly want to be told to lay down the love of his life, sin. He'd rather have his "ears tickled" as the Bible says in 2 Timothy 4:1-5. He doesn't want to be told that what he loves the most will send him to hell for eternity. So, that's what the church is giving him!?
So, this would be how the world views us if we are relavent..."Why do I need to become a Christian. They're really not any different than us. We even dress the same way and talk the same way." Some " Christians" say "We want to make people feel better. We want to meet their needs." But, salvation is a NEED for everyone. What does it make a difference if you give people cars and ipods but they're headed straight to hell. Your just buttering them up for eternity in hell. Giving them a little of this and that on earth, but what about their ETERNITY?
Martyn Lloyd Jones stated,
We need to be telling people of their real need, a Savior! They need to see that they've sinned against a holy God and that His justice demands someone pay. Show them the Ten Commandments, God's holy law. That every lie and every thought will be judged. They need righteousness not a new car. Tell them of the Savior who took their punishment on the cross and paid for their fine in full. He cried "It is finished" or "Paid in full". God crushed His Son under YOUR wrath. Now, to those who repent and place their faith in Jesus Christ, they can be made right with God and can be set free from sins punishment.
What a God we serve! I never cease to be amazed at what He has done.
"May I never lose the wonder
The wonder of the cross
May I see it like the first time
Standing as a sinner lost
Undone by mercy and left speechless
Watching wide-eyed at the cost
May I never lose the wonder
The wonder of the cross" -Vicky Beeching
In Christ,
"Doth that man love his Lord who would be willing to see Jesus wearing a crown
of thorns, while for himself he craves a chaplet of laurel? Shall Jesus ascend
to His throne by the cross, and do we expect to be carried there on the
shoulders of the applauding crowds? Be not so vain in your imagination. Count
you the cost, and if you are not willing to bear Christ's cross, go away to your
farm and to your merchandise, and make the most of them; only let me whisper
this in your ear, 'What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and
lose his own soul?'"
This quote caught my eye yesterday while reading a book called "Ashamed of the Gospel" by John MacArthur. The book speaks about how the modern churches of today are using new methods to draw in crowds instead of preaching the Gospel. They'd rather have mans approval of things than God's word being preached.
Sometimes we can get caught up in the world. We want the worlds approval of so many things. Do I have the latest fashion? Am I listening to the same music my friend is listening to? "My friend has the latest cell phone, I just HAVE to get it"! ...and so on and so forth...
We are suppose to be different from the world. Isn't that what the Bible says, that we're "foreignors" or "pilgrims", or "strangers" of this world. We are the "called out ones". What is going to happen if those who call them selves Christians begin to act and do things like the world? Who exactly would the world look to?
As I was reading this book by John MacArthur, I began to realize why Christian are to be seperate from the world. No, I'm not saying that you can't have an ipod or a new cell phone. But merely, we can't try to blend into the world. We're suppose to be "lights to those in darkness" -Romans 2:19. How well will our lights shine if we try to "blend" our lights into the darkness. "Oh, is this light too bright for you. I'll dim it alittle so that you will feel better. I don't want you to feel too uncomfortable". That's pretty much the motto of "todays" Christians.
We don't want to offend anyone. Yet, isn't that what the Bible says that the cross will be to some? It says that the cross is "foolishness to those who are perishing". A sinner doesn't exactly want to be told to lay down the love of his life, sin. He'd rather have his "ears tickled" as the Bible says in 2 Timothy 4:1-5. He doesn't want to be told that what he loves the most will send him to hell for eternity. So, that's what the church is giving him!?
So, this would be how the world views us if we are relavent..."Why do I need to become a Christian. They're really not any different than us. We even dress the same way and talk the same way." Some " Christians" say "We want to make people feel better. We want to meet their needs." But, salvation is a NEED for everyone. What does it make a difference if you give people cars and ipods but they're headed straight to hell. Your just buttering them up for eternity in hell. Giving them a little of this and that on earth, but what about their ETERNITY?
Martyn Lloyd Jones stated,
"Our Lord attracted sinners bacause He was different. They drew near to Him
because they felt there was something different about Him...And the world always
expects us to be different. This idea that you are going to win people to the
Christian faith by showing them that after all you are remarkably like them, is
theologically and phychologically a profound blunder."
We need to be telling people of their real need, a Savior! They need to see that they've sinned against a holy God and that His justice demands someone pay. Show them the Ten Commandments, God's holy law. That every lie and every thought will be judged. They need righteousness not a new car. Tell them of the Savior who took their punishment on the cross and paid for their fine in full. He cried "It is finished" or "Paid in full". God crushed His Son under YOUR wrath. Now, to those who repent and place their faith in Jesus Christ, they can be made right with God and can be set free from sins punishment.
What a God we serve! I never cease to be amazed at what He has done.
"May I never lose the wonder
The wonder of the cross
May I see it like the first time
Standing as a sinner lost
Undone by mercy and left speechless
Watching wide-eyed at the cost
May I never lose the wonder
The wonder of the cross" -Vicky Beeching
In Christ,
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Oh, What Love!
Happy Resurrection Day everyone! I think I'm starting to get tired of saying "Easter". The world seems to have changed the meaning of it all together, just like every other wondrous Christian day. Although, there is nothing wrong with saying "Happy Easter", I'd rather let the whole world know what I celebrate on this day. So, instead it's "Resurrection Day", after all, that's what it's all about!
I was just thinking on the death, burial, and resurection of our Savior. It's SOO amazing! I'm reminded of this verse "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."-Romans 5:8. Oh, what a love!
The whole story is amazing. Jesus Christ, God, became flesh and lived a perfect life. He then died on the cross, taking our wrath upon Himself. The wrath that we deserved was laid upon the Sinless Savior! We deserve Hell, but Jesus made a way for us to be forgiven. He took our sins upon Himself. He then rose again the third day and defeated death and hell! What wonder! Without His resurection we would have no hope. Oh, how I love my Jesus, my Savior, my Redeemer!
This is a song that I really enjoy by Vicky Beeching, it's beautiful. I hope you enjoy the words just as much as I have. It's called
"Great is Your Glory".
God came down and gave His life for me
Amen, Amen
Through flesh and blood He fought for victory
Amen, Amen
Crucified brought back to life
Amen, Amen
Seated at the Father's hand again
Amen, Amen
Great is the glory of the Lord Almighty
Great is the glory of the Lord
I will sing with all my heart unto the Lord Almighty
Great is Your glory Lord
Crimson covered over sinless hands
Amen, Amen
But nails could never hold the Son of Man
Amen, Amen
Now the Father's love flows down on us
Amen, Amen
Hallelujah He will come again
Amen, Amen
You are the one who was
You are the one who is
You are the one who is
You are the one who is to come
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Paul Washer's Secret!
Hey all! This is a wonderful video of parts of a Paul Washer sermon. It is very beautiful. Definitely a "must see". And it's only 4 min and 30 secs long!
Have a wonderful day in His precious love!
Have a wonderful day in His precious love!