Hello Blog World,
It's been awhile. :)
Well, believe it or not, I'm back. My last post was in 2009, which means my absence was much too long. My prayer is that I can post on here once a week. I really hope I can get into the habit.
I am back because I have a lot on my mind. Too much. I had thought about making a new blog, but then decided otherwise, since this has been my blog for so long.
My new blog was going to be named "I Will Not Bow Down". That is my reason for coming back. I believe we need more people, more Christians, to stand up for what is right. To stand on God's Word and not back down. I'm back so that I may encourage other women to stand up for God's Word and to be the woman God needs them to be in their home, and anywhere, frankly.
This is my journey. I am young and don't have all the answers, but I want to share my thoughts and heart with other believing woman, because of the passion God has given me.
Just to start off, my first post is going to be about what's been on my mind lately. I am being bombarded by the "summer look". Everywhere I turn there are ads, magazines, and women themselves, showing off their bodies. It's spring/summer. The time of year where women like to wear the least amount of clothes as possible, not worrying about being on the borderline of naked.
As a young woman, I get several different emotions from this. One thought that comes to mind is modesty. Christians these days don't realize that God hates immodesty. It causes others to sin and it blasphemes the name of God. (This is a subject I will speak of another time).
And two, lately I have been so self-conscious. "Am I pretty enough?" "Why can't I look like that?" "Why can't my hair be that way?" And on and on it goes.
I have been listening to a few John MacArthur sermons lately on womanhood, and the biggest thing that sticks out to me is that "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." (Proverbs 31:30)
As a woman, married to a Godly man, I come to realize each and everyday what my husband wants out of me. He sometimes says "Kirsten, when you sin, it's not your body that I get upset at." In other words, your body is not the thing you need to work on. It's your heart. When you sin, your literal body (literal flesh and bones), does not lie or say harsh words. It doesn't do anything. Oh, it may look pretty, but if you have a dirty heart, what does it matter?
A Godly man would much rather have a heart of gold than a woman of fleshly beauty. This is what I always want to remember. I want to be that woman who pursues God with all I have. I want to be that woman who fears the Lord each and everyday. Not for me. Not just for my husband. But mainly for the glory of God. This is the only reason that I am here. To glorify God.
I pray this helps other woman remember to not get caught up in the things of this world. But to continually, everyday, pursue God.
In Christ,