Good and Bad News!
I have some really great news and yet some really bad news! First, do you consider yourself to be a good person? Do you want to take the "Good Person" test to see if you are? If you think you are, I'm pretty sure you're ready to take this test to prove once and for all that you are a good person. R u ready? Let's look at the Law to see how you line up. I'm going to take you to the most just and right law there is, the Ten Commandments. (Well, here comes the bad news.) First, let's go to the 9th commandment, "Thou shall not lie". Have you ever told a lie? It doesn't matter if it was just a small lie or a lie to make someone feel better, no matter what, it's still a lie. I'm pretty sure that everyone is saying "Yes." to this question, and if not please check again. Now, let's go to the 8th commandment, "Thou shall not steal". Have you ever stolen anything? No matter if it was small, how much it was worth, or how young you were, it's still stealing. (Examples of items: paper clip, penny, eraser, pen, pencil, etc.) So, everyone should be guilty of stealing. Next, let's go to the 3rd commandment, (This is the one that got me the most!) "Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain". Have you ever taken God's name in vain? This includes saying "God" when you stub your finger or hurt yourself. This sin is called blasphemy and it's a very serious sin. Blasphemy is taking the very God who gave you life and making His name lower than it is. Lastly, let's go to the 7th commandment, "Thou shall not commit adultery". Now, we all think that we've kept that one, but Jesus takes it a step farther and says "If you look at someone with lust you've committed adultery with them in your heart". (This verse is found in Matthew 5:28-29) Have you ever looked with lust? This includes looking at someone to want them. If you admitted to these sins you are, by your own admission, a lying, thieving, adulterous, and blasphemer at heart, and we only looked at four of the ten commandments. If you didn't admit to these please look over them and let your conscience tell you. This is definitely bad news because one day, whether we believe it or not, we are going to die and stand before a holy and just God. On that day, when you are standing before God, do you think you will be innocent or guilty? Let your conscience speak to you, remember that you have just admitted to all of these sins. We all will be guilty! So, knowing this, do you think you'll go to Heaven or Hell? Again, let your conscience speak to you. Some arguments people might say are "God is a good God, He'll forgive me", or "I did all that a long time ago, I'm a good person now.". Let me take you to a court room senario. Say that someone had just murdered someone 5 years ago and the law finally caught them. They're standing before the judge and they say "Judge, you're a good judge, you'll forgive me and let me go won't you? After all, it was 5 years ago." What do you think the judge should do? He shouldn't let him go, justice needs to be served. What if down the road, the murderer decides that since the judge let him go, he'll just go kill someone again and maybe the judge will let him go again. You see, justice must be served to those who have committed a crime. You may say "That's just an earthly judge. God is so much nicer." You know, you're right. That means that God must punish sin once and for all. After all, He's holier and more just. By this, we know that we're all headed towards Hell! Please listen to me and don't take this lightly. I care about your eternal destiny so much. (Note the word ETERNAL, this isn't just talking about the death that happens on earth, this is for eternity!) I don't want you to end up in Hell, and neither does God. I think about now you're ready to hear some good news. Well, here it is. 2000 years ago God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth, to die for us that we may receive eternal life in Heaven. Jesus lived a total sinless life, and died upon a cross to take your punishment. It's as simple as this, "you did the crime, and Jesus paid the fine". Without Him, you would have no hope. You would end up in Hell with no where to turn. God didn't have to send His Son, and Jesus didn't have to come down. It's so amazing that a holy and just God who didn't need us at all, wanted us. He was wounded for our transgressions (sins), He was bruised for our iniquities... And by His stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5) You should be forever grateful for Jesus because He did this for you. God asks us to give our lives to Him. Not just a little bit, but all of it. He doesn't just want us to confess our sins, but He wants us to repent and forsake them. We must turn away from our sins. We must lay down all of our sins upon His feet and take up His love and care. We must remember this verse that is used so much, John 3:16- "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Read your Bible daily and obey its truths! Isn't that good news? This should be the most precious news that your heart and soul has ever heard! Want more information? Visit this website: !
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