Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Sinner's Prayer

No, I'm not talking about a prayer that someone can repeat. (A repeated prayer isn't what saves someone, but a repentant heart that's willing to turn away from sin and turn to Christ and place their trust in Him alone.) But, this is a song/poem I wrote. This is actually my prayer. My conversion story can be summed up in this song/poem.

The Sinner's Prayer

God, I come before you knowing my place
I see now that I'm in need of Your grace
I'm going to end up right before Hell's gates
For this is where my judgement awaits
I've broken every commandment, now I see
My sins are great in front of me

God save me and show me Your grace
I love You Lord, for You took my place
You died on the cross for my filthy heart
I turn away from my sins and trust in You,
For I know that this is what I must do

I see what You've done just for
You died on the cross and set me free
You took my punishmet for breaking Your Law
And paid for my fine, for every sin You saw
You rose on the third day
I thank You Lord for making a way


I praise God for His amazing grace. I could say it over and over and never say it enough. My Savior means everything to me. I want nothing in this life, but to honor and glorify His Wonderful name! Praise God, for He is our hope and our salvation!

In His beautiful love,

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