Thursday, August 30, 2007

Balloon Festival

Hey everyone,

Like a week ago we went to a Balloon Festival and witnessed and shared the gospel. It was very amazing. There was over 15,000 people at the event and we handed out SO many tracts. I ask that you would pray for all the people that received tracts and was witnessed to. That they would continue to think on spiritual things and that Christ would lead them to repentance. This is the most important thing we can do in life, to share the Gospel with this lost and dying world. So, go out there and start fishing for men. Live in obedience to Christ and follow Him.

Until the nets are full,
~Kirsten~ :)


Jordan Casey said...

That sounded like a TON of fun! We should do something like that together sometime. :)

KirstenDawnNicole said...

Yeah, it would be wonderful to get together again!! I'll contact you if something like that comes up.
~Kirst~ :)

Jordan Casey said...

Okay, that would be great! Thanx!