Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Cup

What does "The Cup" mean in Christian terms. I wrote a poem explaining the meaning of "The Cup" as revealed in Scripture.

The Cup
Written by: Kirsten Bryant

“The cup?” some may ask, “What can you mean by this?”
“It’s such a short title and seems quite amiss.”
But these two small words make me tremble and shake
Just like a leaf blown in the wind, I do quake
You see, I had a cup that I deserved to drink
A cup that was filled, overflowing the brink
But this cup was not filled with water or tea
It was filled with God’s just, holy wrath, for me
“Wrath?” you ask, “Why do you deserve such a thing?”
“What vast sin have you done that fierce wrath would bring?”
My answer to this is every sin is vast,
Yes, immense; whether present, future, or past
To God, lying is an abomination
With this one sin, there’s no hope for salvation
For in Revelation the liar is doomed
God says in this Book that he will be consumed
Yet just this one sin is not all I have done
My test on righteousness has only begun
A thief cannot enter the Kingdom of God
His fierce wrath will strike him like a lightening rod
Guilty you will be if you take His name in vain
He will not hold you guiltless, His justice shall reign
Christ says lust is adultery of the heart
And from the adulterer God will depart
Looking at just these four commandments, I see
Standing before God, my plea will be guilty
So understand, this cup I am worthy of
I’m a vile creature that deserves no love
God, the holy, just One had this cup prepared
My punishment was hell and I was ensnared
Yes, I deserve this fate, for God should be adored
Instead, His name I blasphemed and abhorred
He made the wind, the trees, the sun, and the birds
Out of all creation, men heed not His words
So, I’m standing here now with no hope in sight
Trembling before Him whose justice is right
Wait just a moment, something seems to be wrong
There’s a Man on trial that doesn’t belong
Yes, this Man is also God of creation
This God was here before the world’s foundation
But why is He standing where the guilty pleads?
He’s not ever done any unrighteous deeds
This holy, perfect One, Jesus is His name
He stands before the Father, taking my blame
He was beaten and scorned and hung on a tree
And yet all of this He was doing for me
This spectacle has me falling to my knees
He’s taking my cup, my wrath He will appease
Christ, who was perfect, has justified the vile
Through His blood He’s brought together the hostile
For we were hostile toward God, from our sin
But through His precious blood, new life can begin
He rose from the grave, defeating death and hell
Through His great defeat, now with Him we can dwell
By repentance and faith, salvation can come
Because of theses truth’s, Christ Jesus will save some
Instead of His wrath, I now hold in my hand
A cup of salvation that’s mighty and grand
It was not of me that God’s wrath was dried up
It is all because of Christ, who took the cup!

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